Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Year is Sufficient

It's a good thing I completely forgot about this for an entire year. Actually the only reason I am updating now is because I read all of Rachel Paprocki's posts to date, and felt inspired. As a side note, if you are coming to this page fresh from her blog, please leave. You're going to be terribly disappointed. Rachel is poetic and has interesting things going on in her life. I am snarky and only write to please myself.

This might turn into stream of consciousness really quickly. Well the World Cup final was today. I went downtown in Kansas City to watch it in public. It was pretty fun. It's funny how out of nowhere one day I was 100% obsessed with soccer. It went from absolutely nothing to me doing so much research that I acted like I had been a fan my entire life.

Which reminds me, I am infatuated with novelty. If you know me at all you would know that there is never a day that passes without me becoming completely obsessed with something that does not matter in the slightest. If you ever need someone to share an incredibly short lived obsession with, just text me the details. You really don't even need to tell me very much about it. Just act really excited and tell me that I'll have the opportunity to buy things I'll quickly forget I own. Gets me every time.